There are currently 16 schools in Illinois that offer a total of 28 master’s in communication programs. Of these 28 programs, 23 are campus-based programs, five are online master’s in communication programs, and zero is a hybrid-online program. Specializations offered through these programs include those in organizational communication, global communication, strategic communication, technical communication, and communication studies.

All of the schools listed on this page are non-profit educational institutions that have been regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).

Campus-Based Master’s in Communication Programs in Illinois

In the northern Illinois region, there are several schools in Chicago, DeKalb, Evanston, and University Park that offer master’s in communication programs. In Chicago, DePaul University, the Illinois Institute of Technology, Roosevelt University, the University of Illinois at Chicago, Northeastern Illinois University, and Loyola University Chicago offer master’s in communication programs, many of which have a wide variety of specializations for students to choose from. For example, DePaul University’s College of Communication offers a Master of Arts in Communication and Media with concentration options in Media and Cinema Studies, Multicultural Communication, Organizational Communication, and Interpersonal Communication.

Some schools in Chicago offer programs with one choice of concentration, but with a degree of flexibility in terms of the classes students can take to fulfill their degree. Illinois Institute of Technology’s Lewis College of Human Sciences – Department of Humanities offers a Master of Science in Technical Communication and Information Architecture and Roosevelt University’s College of Arts and Sciences offers a Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC); both programs allow students to take a number of electives according to their interests in these fields.

In DeKalb, Northern Illinois University’s Department of Communication has a Master of Arts in Communication Studies with focus areas in Media Studies, Rhetoric and Public Communication, Journalism, and Interpersonal, Organizational, and Persuasive Communication. At both its Evanston and Chicago campuses, Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications offers a Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) with sequences in Consumer Insight and Analytics, Brand Strategy, Strategic Communications, and Media. In addition, Northwestern offers a Master of Science in IMC Professional Program, which can be completed through either a hybrid or fully online course of study. Students who enroll in the hybrid version of the IMC Professional Program attend in-person course components in Chicago. The curriculum for the IMC Professional Program is slightly different from the full-time, campus-based M.S. in IMC program.

Northwestern’s School of Communication offers a Master of Science in Health Communication and a Master of Science in Communication (MSC). The MSC program is an applied communication program that is offered in two formats: an on-campus version called the Custom Leadership program, and a Hybrid Leadership program (i.e., hybrid-online program) that holds classes online but requires 3-5 campus visits for students to interact with course faculty and peers . Governors State University’s Department of Communication Media and Performing Arts, located in University Park, offers a Master of Arts in Communication, Media, and Performance program.

In central Illinois, schools in Springfield, Normal, Urbana, and Charleston offer a wide variety of master’s in communication programs. The University of Illinois at Springfield’s Department of Communication has a generalist Master of Arts in Communication that allows students to customize their program of study. Illinois State University’s School of Communication in Normal also offers a generalist Master’s Degree in Communication, while the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Department of Communication offers a Master of Arts in Communication.

Eastern Illinois University’s Department of Communication Studies in Charleston has a Master of Arts in Communication Studies with concentrations in Strategic Communication, Human Communication Processes, and Critical/Cultural Studies, along with a Communication Pedagogy track for students who are interested in teaching post-graduation. In Macomb, Western Illinois University’s Department of Communication offers a Master of Arts in Communication that allows students to select courses that match their academic interests and professional goals.

In southern Illinois there are two schools that offer master’s in communication programs. Southern Illinois University (SIU) – Edwardsville’s Department of Applied Communication Studies has a Master of Communication in Applied Communication Studies with specialization options in Interpersonal Communication, Corporate and Organizational Communication, Health Communication, and Public Relations. SIU – Edwardsville’s Department of Mass Communications also offers a Master of Science in Integrative Studies – Marketing Communications. Southern Illinois University – Carbondale’s Department of Communication Studies offers a Master of Arts in Communication Studies with areas of study in Gender, Sexuality, and Relational Communication, Intercultural Communication and Pedagogy, Performance Studies, and Rhetoric and Society.

Online Master’s in Communication Programs in Illinois

There are currently three in-state schools that offer online master’s in communication programs. In addition, there are numerous out-of-state schools that offer online programs that enroll students residing in Illinois. These programs may be a good option for students who live in Northwest Illinois where commuting to a campus-based program may not be ideal. In general, online programs are also a good option for any students who cannot commute to campus for weekly classes due to either personal or professional reasons.

Eastern Illinois University has an online Master of Arts in Communication Studies with a concentration in Communication and Leadership that is designed for working professionals who want to step into leadership roles within their field through a combination of organizational and interpersonal communication skills, digital communication strategy, leadership principles, and communication theory, research, and ethics. Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications offers an online Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications Professional Program, which features a flexible curriculum that covers IMC strategy, marketing research, and finance principles, as well as diverse topics in IMC that students can explore through their electives. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers two online master’s in communication programs: an Online Master of Science in Strategic Brand Communication, and an Online Master of Science in Health Communication.

Directory of Master’s in Communication Programs in Illinois

All Master’s in Communication Programs in Illinois

Campus programs, Campus/Hybrid programs, Online programs (fully online to 2 campus visits per year), Hybrid-Online programs (3 to ~5 campus visits per year)

Governors State University

(University Park)

Illinois Institute of Technology

Lewis College of Human Sciences - Department of Humanities

Northeastern Illinois University


Roosevelt University

College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

University of Illinois at Chicago


University of Illinois at Springfield
